
ePac controls calls through the use of JSON payloads that are exchanged either over an HTTP(s) or a websocket connection. When an incoming call for your account is received, ePac retrieves the URL that you have configured for the application you want to run.

If the URL begins with ‘http(s)://’, ePac makes an HTTP request to the URL, while if the URL starts with ‘ws(s)://’, ePac establishes a websocket connection to that URL. ePac then sends an initial message describing the incoming call, and your client application is then responsible for returning a JSON payload that indicates how you want the call handled.

The ePac webhook API enables developers to create custom webhook endpoints that can be triggered by various events within ePac, such as inbound and outbound calls, conference calls, recording, …. Developers can use this information to build custom workflows and integrations that respond to these events in real-time. The ePac webhook API supports a wide range of events and provides developers with a high degree of flexibility in designing custom workflows.


You can develop your webapp using whatever language or framework you like, but the quickest way to scaffold up a webapp is by using our Client SDK

To initiate an outbound call, you can follow a similar process. You would need to send an HTTP request using the REST API and specify a URL or application identifier that will be triggered once the call is answered. Upon receiving the HTTP request, you must respond with a JSON body indicating the desired handling for the call, similar to the process described previously.

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